Monday, 1 April 2013

Emily De Molly Studded Jeans

Good morning!
Today I have my first Emily de Molly polish to show you! I'd lusted after it for quite a while but restocks of this brand are usually pretty crazy. One day I was lucky enough to be off work when a restock went live so I snatched this one up quickly and checked out!

Studded Jeans is a dusty, periwinkle-type shade of blue with gold flakes and gold holo glitters. I did find that the glitters and flakes sank a little bit, so I flipped it upside down before polishing my other hand and found that helped quite a bit. Three coats here for opacity. I'd already been wearing this mani for a few days before I took pictures so I apologize for the tipwear!

I really like my first Emily de Molly! There are a few more glitter-bomb type ones I quite like, I might try to get more soon!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I am currently awaiting some muled Emily De Molly's and I cannot wait!
